Friday, 12 August 2011

Nourishing... the kitchen

A part of my whole food challenge, is ensuring my kitchen is in tip top shape, and ready to tackle the challenge with me.

I am lucky in this respect, because when we built our house last year, I had the opportunity to design the kitchen to suit me. This was something I had been dreaming of over the past few years. The house we knocked down was an old holiday house - as you can imagine, the kitchen was not designed for a growing family of five. But I do miss that pokey little kitchen sometimes - there were a lot of laughs had in it, and memories made. We still laugh about the open shelving that sat over the rubbish bin that hubby hit his head on every single time! And I can still see my chubby little toddler take her first steps from one side of the kitchen to the other (which was perfect for a new walker, as there was literally a metre and a half in between! )

But these days I count my blessings every morning when I walk into my new, sparkly kitchen. The things that make me smile the most though, are not the flash new oven, or drawers that slide easily closed with one push ( though I do love them! ). No, it's the love that is in every corner.

This beautiful antique blue jug was given to me by my father one Christmas. It is the inspiration for the interior of the whole house. As
with any knick knack in my house, it must serve a purpose - so for today it is the holder of very important utensils.

My windowsill makes me feel warm and fuzzy more than once every day. It holds those precious gifts my children bring me back from a play in the garden, or walking the dog. More often than not, the flowers are a token gesture from my 12 year old, as it's easier to give Mum a flower with your head bowed than say "sorry" when you're 12, right?
And this final photo, is the chaos of a family of 5. It makes me happy every day, to know that this house is a home, because of the chaos of my brood.

I think my kitchen and I are ready...!


  1. nicole, this was so beautiful to read! how wonderful that you had the opportunity to design a kitchen just right for you.

    the little corners, and meaningful parts to a home are certainly what matters the most - i share that love too!

  2. Thanks for sharing your kitchen Nicole. What fun it would be to design a kitchen just for you.
    It is the little nooks & ledges in my kitchen that I like best as well.

  3. Thanx for the peek into your kitchen Nicole :) On the theme of readying yourself (and your kitchen!) for whole food eating, a few must haves on the kitchen bench....a sprouter (jars and stockings do the job!), a mortar and pestle, bowls for overnight soaking, scissors and a good quality blender (we have a Vitamix..ooooh the horsepower power!!!). If you're getting really serious and leaning toward including more raw in your diet, then a spiraliser is a handy little addition to your kitchen. ENJOY!

  4. Thanks for the tips! I have heard great things about the Vitamix so think that I may have to invest! And yes, it is definitely time to start 'sprouting' - I think it will be a great activity for the little one's too.

  5. Hi Nicole,

    It's lovely to find your blog. I'm Rose from the Illawarra blogging at

    I'm doing Heather's course too and thought it would be fun to link the Aussies in an email group. If you like the idea, would you email me at
