Friday 12 August 2011


february 2011 239

Ok, I'm doing it. I've officially signed up for the 30 day wholefood workshop with Heather Bruggeman from Beauty that moves.

After one too many post pasta headaches, bloating and feeling sluggish, I have clicked on 'register' and paid my ( mighty economical! ) $45.

And hubby? - noooo, he's not committed to anything that excludes meat, but he has suggested doing 30 days without beer ( with an intermission at 2 weeks - just in case it's too hard! ). I guess that's a pretty good commitment, I mean an Australian going without beer is like a sloth going without sleep.

Sooo.. anyone feel like joining me? ( or you can just enjoy tracking my progress and pain over the next month as I write about it here!)

Hopefully I can inspire you too, to nourish and clean your body from the inside out.

Click here to read more about the workshop.

1 comment:

  1. Just come to Bolivia! I had my own 7 day clean out care of street food! owwww....
