In the midst of a blog flick last week, I stumbled upon a suggestion from Unplugged Sunday - to say 'Yes!" to all of the requests that the day might bring. Hmmm, an interesting suggestion - one I recommend that you give a go- you never know quite where the day will take you!
A pair of skate pants I make for little Buddha in the morning...

Became a tailored pair of girls pants for Missy in the afternoon, when she asks " Can I wear them too?" Ahhh, "Yes?", and 'Ta - da!', I have the newest idea for girls pants this Summer!

I pull out the baking bowls, and three little people crowd round ( Groan.....) - can we help?
( Grudgingly I mumble "Yes" ) 'Ta-da!' - my shortbread becomes something rather wonderful and beautiful with the suggestion to dip it in chocolate and add sprinkles!

Hubby gently notes " The wind is kinda good today - want to come down and watch me kite board?" Hmmm, becoming more practised in this, and wondering if it will open up to other more exciting things, I calmly say "yes" ( Hubby is rather surprised, but happy, and scuttles off quickly before I change my mind!) It ends my Sunday perfectly, as I am roped into saying 'Yes' to cartwheels, digging caves, and running freely on a windy, wild beach!